Europass cv на русском скачать
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Если у вас имеется степень, то информацию о нужно приводить, только если она нужна для работы, которую вы ищете. EXAMPLE DOWNLOAD EXAMPLE CV We'll... Сделайте упор на нужных аспектах вашей подготовки и опыта работы. Родной ые язык и Укажите родной язык и Пример: Английский Не переоценивайте свой уровень, который легко проверяется во время интервью. Descriptions for each field, however, will need to be manually translated preferably by a native speaker. The Europass CV can be completed in 26 different languages and other Europass documents can be attached to it. Language Passport The Language Passport is a form available on the website mentioned above concerning your language skills, which may be included in your Europass. The electronic tool guides you through all the phases of completing the Language Passport. Europass is a set of certificates proving your education, professional qualifications, experience, abilities, competencies and skills.
You can use the Europass CV to record your personal information as well as details about your educational and training attainments and work experience. Один из его вебинаров: «Как обрести уверенность при поиске новой работы» — будет открытым для всех подписчиков проекта.
EuroPass CV - Make your skills visible with Europass- documents In this site we are guiding, how to make a Europass CV.
Make your skills visible with Europass- documents In this site we are guiding, how to make a Europass CV. You can also attach other Europass documents to your CV, like for example Europass Language Passport and European Skills Passport. Europass CV The Europass CV, or Curriculum Vitae, presents key information about you in a concise form. You can use the Europass CV to record your personal information as well as details about your educational and training attainments and work experience. You can also use the Europass-CV to describe personal skills and proficiencies, such as language and communication skills. With Europass-CV you can prove personal skills and competences acquired during your life and career that are not necessarily covered by any formal certificates. The Europass-CV also helps you to analyse and describe your personal skills and strengths as a worker. You can also attach other Europass documents to your CV. How To Make a Europass-CV? Europass CV can be created with an electronic tool designed for the purpose. The tool is available through the Europass portal. A finished CV is saved on a memory device or sent as an e-mail. The finished CV can at any time be downloaded into the electronic tool for editing. The electronic tool guides you through all the phases of completing your CV. It is important to keep your CV and other documents updated even when you are not actively looking for a job. When you are completing the Europass-CV for the first time, you will be asked to analyse your skills and qualifications — and to think about how to present them in the best way. Once you have completed a good Europass-CV, it is easy to update and modify it when needed. Think what kind of skills and qualifications are needed in the job that you are applying for and edit your CV accordingly. Europass Language Passport In the Europass Language Passport you can describe your language skills using a six-step scale of skills levels. These levels are in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and it is used all across Europe. With the help of the Language Passport you can give a comprehensive and detailed description of your language proficiency: you can describe your skills separately in speaking, writing and comprehension of a language. For the Language Passport it is not relevant where and how you have obtained your language proficiency: what matters is, is your personal skills level. You can, at will, also include information on formal language studies or language exams into your Language Passport. The Language Passport also helps you to analyse your language skills, set goals for your learning and follow your own progress. How to Make a Language Passport? A Europass Language Passport can be created with an electronic tool designed for the purpose. The tool is available through the Europass portal. A finished Language Passport is saved on a memory device or sent as an e-mail. The finished Language Passport can at any time be downloaded into the electronic tool for editing. The electronic tool guides you through all the phases of completing the Language Passport. Make sure your Language Passport is updated regularly. You can also follow your own progress with the Language Passport. European Skills Passport European Skills Passport is an electronic portfolio of your skills and competencies. It can be used together with your CV to give further information about you and your achievements. You can add other Europass documents to your European Skills Passport, such as the Language Passport, as well as other documents e. How to make a European Skills Passport? You can compile your European Skills Passport in the Europass portal with an electronic tool. Follow the instructions and examples given. You can save the completed portfolio for yourself or send it as an e-mail attachment. If you have already compiled a European Skills Passport, you can download it into the electronic tool for updating and editing:.
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